Your Invisible Power
Do you feel challenged by current changes in the world? Do you feel stressed going back to work? Are you snapping at loved ones and feeling guilty about it?
Then this workshop is for you! Join us in a live virtual interactive workshop “Your Invisible Power” where we will have Rasha Elhamy, Success Trainer & Mindset Coach sharing with us three secrets around how to stay in control of any situation!!
About Rasha:
Rasha Elhmay is a Success Trainer and Mindset Coach. She moved to Canada 12 years ago, she is a mother of 2 wonderful children, and is passionate to help ambitious career women, easily handle stress and confidently achieve their goals without procrastination or sacrificing their relationships. She, herself has gone through this journey and has the proven and step-by-step tools you need, that will help you transform your life and live life on your terms with ease.
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