Week 16 – Adult – Recycling for Art Competition

Date: Friday, September 27, 2024

Time: 7:30-9:30 PM

Age: Adults & Teens

Type: Applied Art


Workshop Description: In this unique workshop, learners will recycle old and unused products of plastic, glass, fabric, metal, and other materials into pieces of art and decoration. This class raises environmental awareness and contributes to the effort to minimize global warming. The participants will compete to win the prize for the biggest number of finished projects. 

Workshop instructions:

1-Please attend at least 10 minutes before the class starts for check-in.

2-Wear clothes that suit the nature of this activity. Disposable aprons and gloves will be provided.

3-We will have 15-20 minutes at the beginning to recognize the available recycling materials and the ideas to recycle each material.

4-You will work individually by choosing the project from each corner (points-based) project based on its level of difficulty. The trainer will be guiding you and helping you along with some volunteers.

5-The participants with the most points are the winners (2 top winners) and will be awarded $20 cash. 

6-All materials will be supplied by ECCAO. We are bringing different recycling materials and art tools but feel free to get the materials you would like to recycle.

7-There will be a 10-minute break for some refreshments in the middle of the session.

8- All projects will remain with ECCAO team to be displayed later in ECCAO’s Got Talent Exhibition that will be held in December 2024.

9- Since this is an intensive workshop, you need to focus on your work and avoid any distractions. 

10- This is a non-profit activity to help art lovers unleash their potential, so enjoy this opportunity and cooperate with the whole team.

11- This is a published event on social media; hence, if you do not want to be on our media platforms, please let the team know before class starts.
